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Friday, July 29, 2011

foodie jokes!

If a Tomato is a fruit isn't ketchup a smoothie?
- unknown

This is my new invention: Crossing a Hoosier and a Fry daddy and calling it a Hoosier-daddy.  Ha ha ha ha
- Biscuit

What did the mayonnaise say to the refrigerator?
Close the door, I'm dressing!

The customer asked: "Do you serve crabs here?"
"Yessir," replied the waiter. "We'll serve just about anybody."

What starts with "t" ends with "t" and is filled with "t"?
A teapot.

What does the richest person in the world make for dinner every night?

What has ears but can't hear a thing?
A cornfield.

What did one knife say to the other?
You look sharp!
Why did the man stare at the can of orange juice?
Because it said 'concentrate.'

I trained my dog not to beg at the table.
How did you do that?
I let him taste my cooking.

I got most of these jokes from this site:

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