For a thanksgiving beverage i was going to make lemon aid. a nice, quick, yummy and easy drink right?? so i went to make the lemon aid in a fancy clear glass pitcher. I added the 1 C lemon juice, what i thought was 1 c sugar, and the rest of the space with water. the "sugar" was SALT.
before we sat down for supper i tried some turkey it was great; but i wanted something to drink after i finished with that bite so i tried some lemon aid just about as soon as that drink went into my mouth I decided to get it back out of there!! that was groce! my little brother and little sister didn't believe me that it was salt so they had to try it to, and they also thought it was salt! My older brother was not inside at the time that all of that happened so when we sat down to supper he pored him self up some lemon aid Lucky mom said not to "guzzle" (as he always dose) and in about 2 minutes he tried some he had to immediately had to get it out of there too! to get that taste he poured up some milk (earlier that day i had switched it form cows milk to goats milk which a friend have to us. Now my older brother dose not like goats milk so he says) I casually asked him if his other drink tastes okay, he said yes, but it tastes like whole milk and we buy skim milk that's when he found out that he was drinking goats milk and he liked it!!!
so here is the recipe for sugarie lemonade (for a one gallon container)
2c lemon juice
just less than 2c sugar
and the the rest of the way full of water stir and enjoy!!!!!!!!
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